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Samuel Prideaux Tregelles



Born: Jan­ua­ry 30, 1813, Wode­house Place, Fal­mouth, Corn­wall (a mi­no­ri­ty of re­cords give his birth date as Jan­ua­ry 20).

Died: Ap­ril 24, 1875, Ply­mouth, Dev­on, Eng­land.



Son of a Quak­er, Tre­gelles was edu­cat­ed at the Fal­mouth Gram­mar School.

From 1833–44, he worked in the Neath Ab­bey Ir­on Works.

In 1836, he be­came a pri­vate tutor in Fal­mouth. His deep in­ter­est in Bib­li­cal stu­dies de­vel­oped in­to a de­sire to pro­duce the most per­fect ver­sion of the Greek Tes­ta­ment it was pos­si­ble to publish.

The first spe­ci­mens of his work were pub­lished in 1838, and the first in­stall­ments for pub­lic use ap­peared in 1844. The pro­ject was ham­pered by at­tacks of pa­ra­ly­sis in 1861 and 1870, and Tre­gelles was ev­en­tu­al­ly com­pelled to ac­cept help. The work ap­peared as a whole in 1879.

Tregelles’ hymn writ­ing ap­par­ent­ly be­gan be­fore 1837, and ex­tend­ed to 1861 or lat­er. His ear­li­est hymns ap­peared in the Ply­mouth Breth­ren’s Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1838.



Help Needed

If you know Tre­gelles’ bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?