This is My body, which is broken for you.
1 Corinthians 11:24
Words: Attributed to Samuel P. Tregelles (1813–1875).
Music: Abschied Wenzel Müller, 1828 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
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Thy broken body, gracious Lord,
Is shadowed by this broken bread;
The wine which in this cup is poured,
Points to the blood which Thou hast shed.
And while we meet together thus,
We show that we are one in Thee;
Thy precious blood was shed for us,
Thy death, O Lord, hast set us free!
We have one hope that Thou wilt come,
Thee in the air we wait to see,
When Thou wilt give Thy saints a home,
And we shall ever reign with Thee.