Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Acts 2:2
Words: Stephen Popovich, 2016 (public domain).
Music: Azmon Carl G. Gläser, 1828. Arranged by Lowell Mason, Modern Psalmist, 1839 (🔊
Thy breath, O Lamb, as rushing wind
Descendeth from above
With tongue of fire to extend
Through vessels washed in blood.
As water rains o’er barren earth,
Its visage to reclaim,
So words of life in man return
To manifest Thy name.
That in our heart this Trinity
Of water, blood and breath,
Might testify a mystery
To souls undone by death.
That in Thee is eternal life
Thou givest all who come
By simple faith, and through Thee find
The promised Three in One.
’Tis of this treasure love is sown
Whose leaves in me unfurl;
A witness so the lost might know
God’s mercy for this world.
Lo, God’s right hand through nature frail
Doth tend benighted ground.
Its light and life will victory hail
By fruit and golden crowns.