

Born: Ju­ly 15, 1636, Al­trau­den, Si­le­sia (now Sta­ra Rud­na, Po­land).

Died: May 8, 1689, Sulz­bach, Ba­var­ia.

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Christian was the son of Ab­ra­ham Knorr von Ros­en­roth, pas­tor at Al­trau­den.

After stu­dy­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Leip­zig (MA 1659) and Wit­ten­berg, he made an ex­tend­ed tour through France, Eng­land, and Hol­land. In Am­ster­dam, he met an Ar­me­ni­an prince, with the chief rab­bi, Mei­er Stern, from Frank­furt am Main, with Dr. John Light­foot, Dr. Hen­ry More, and oth­ers.

As a re­sult of these ac­quaint­anc­es, he be­came in­ter­est­ed in Ori­ent­al lang­uag­es, chem­is­try, and ca­bal­is­tic stu­dies. Part­ly due to his know­ledge in these ar­eas, he en­tered the ser­vice of Pal­grave Chris­tian Au­gust of Sulz­bach, who in 1668 ap­point­ed him Ge­heim­rath and Kanz­lei­di­rect­or. Em­per­or Leo­pold I made him Bar­on von Ros­en­roth in 1677.




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