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Henry Clay Warth




Born: Feb­ru­ary 11, 1878, on his fa­ther’s farm in Vir­gin­ia.

Died: No­vem­ber 27, 1952, Hunt­ing­ton, West Vir­gin­ia.

Buried: Wood­mere Mem­or­ial Park, Hunt­ing­ton, West Vir­gin­ia.


Henry was the son of John Augustas Warth and Mazilla Ann Starch­er. He mar­ried twice, to Ruth Par­sons and Mar­ga­ret J. Mc­Car­thy (1928).

After at­tend­ing the coun­ty schools, he en­rolled at Mar­shall Col­lege, Hunt­ing­ton, West Vir­gin­ia, where he gra­du­at­ed in 1900. He then studied at Ober­lin Col­lege, Ohio (BA 1905), and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­gin­ia (Ba­che­lor of Law, 1907).

Moving to Hunt­ing­ton, he first took as his law part­ner Her­bert Fitz­patr­ick, with whom he op­ened an of­fice. How­ev­er, in 1908 the agree­ment was dis­solved, and Warth prac­ticed law one year in­de­pen­dent­ly, af­ter which he en­tered in­to a part­ner­ship with C. W. Live­ly.

Lively moved to Ok­la­ho­ma in 1911, after which Warth part­nered with F. W. McCul­lough, un­der the firm name of Warth & Mc­Cul­lough.

In ad­dition to prac­tic­ing law, Warth served as pre­si­dent of the Cen­tral Bank­ing Com­pa­ny in Hunt­ing­ton, and of the Mu­tu­al Land Com­pa­ny of Hun­ting­ton. In 1912, he was elect­ed to the West Vir­gin­ia state le­gis­la­ture from Ca­bell Coun­ty.

By 1913, Warth had left the law pro­fes­sion, and was mu­sic di­rect­or for evan­gel­ist L. K. Pea­cock. He was liv­ing in Ob­er­lin, Ohio, in 1915 and 1916.

