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John I. Wean

Late 19th Century


Wean was a min­is­ter. His song The New Mine ap­peared in a Unit­ed Breth­ren hym­nal in Day­ton, Ohio, in 1899.

He is prob­ab­ly John I. Wean (1866–1951), who is bur­ied in Eus­tis, Flo­ri­da. The Min­utes of the St. Johns Riv­er Con­fer­ence, Met­ho­dist Epis­co­pal Church, For­ty-Eighth An­nu­al Ses­sion, St. Au­gus­tine, Flo­ri­da, Ap­ril 18–22, 1934, page 42, lists John I. Means, of Eus­tis, Flo­ri­da, as pre­si­dent of the con­fer­ence stew­ards.

The Unit­ed Breth­ren de­no­mi­na­tion lat­er merged with the Me­tho­dists to form the Unit­ed Me­tho­dist de­no­mi­na­tion.


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