

Born: Oc­to­ber 30, 1860, Cam­den, New York.

Died: No­vem­ber 12, 1941, St. Pe­ters­burg, Flo­ri­da.

Buried: Me­mor­ial Park Ce­me­te­ry, St. Pe­ters­burg, Flo­ri­da.



Milan was the son of Will­iam Brad­ford Will­iams and Ma­ry Han­cock Bag­ley. He mar­ried twice, to Jen­nie Rose (1880) and Ju­li­ette Mead (1905, York, Ne­bras­ka).

In 1884, he was Ge­ne­ral Sec­re­ta­ry for the Young Men’s Chris­tian As­so­cia­tion (YMCA) in La­Crosse, Wis­con­sin. He was YMCA State Se­cre­ta­ry in At­lan­ta, Geor­gia, 1887–92.

From 1894–1902 he held ev­an­gel­is­tic meet­ings with song lead­er Charles Al­ex­an­der. Then, in the spring of 1902, he spent a few months tra­vel­ing in the Ho­ly Land.

In 1911, he was elect­ed Kan­sas State Rep­re­sent­ative for the 109th District. In 1917, he was pre­si­dent of the In­ter­de­nom­in­ation­al As­so­cia­tion of Ev­an­gel­ists. In the 1930s, he was di­rect­or and cu­rat­or of the St. Pe­ters­burg His­to­ric­al So­ci­ety Mu­se­um, St. Pe­ters­burg, Flo­ri­da.


