


Born: Oc­to­ber 24, 1867, near Ma­ry­ville, Ten­nes­see.

Died: Oct­ober 13, 1920, Birm­ing­ham, Eng­land.

Buried: Lodge Hill Ce­me­te­ry and Cre­ma­to­ri­um, Birm­ing­ham, En­gland.



Alexander’s ear­ly Chris­tian in­flu­ence came from his mo­ther, who was in the hab­it of read­ing Dwight L. Moo­dy ser­mons to the fa­mi­ly ev­ery night around the fire­place. At an 1880 re­vi­val, Al­ex­and­er ac­cept­ed Christ. He at­tend­ed Moo­dy Bi­ble In­sti­tute 1892–94, then toured with the M. B. Will­iams re­vi­val cam­paign. In 1902, he joined Reu­ben Tor­rey’s Aus­tral­ian tour.

In 1904, Al­ex­ander mar­ried Hel­en Cad­bu­ry, daugh­ter of the Cad­bu­ry Cho­co­late Com­pa­ny pre­si­dent. She toured with him on the evan­gel­is­tic cir­cuit as a wo­men’s work­er. To­ge­ther they spread The Pock­et Tes­ta­ment League around the world.

In 1907 he and Wil­bur Chap­man con­duct­ed the Chap­man-Al­ex­an­der Si­mul­ta­ne­ous Camp­aign. In 1909, the two men launched a world­wide cam­paign, de­part­ing Van­cou­ver, Brit­ish Co­lum­bia, on March 26, 1909, and re­turn­ing No­vem­ber 26. Stops along the way inc­lud­ed Mel­bourne, Syd­ney, Ips­wich, Bris­bane, Ade­laide, Bal­la­rat, Ben­di­go, and Towns­ville, Aus­tral­ia; Ma­ni­la, Phil­ip­pines; Hong Kong, Can­ton (now Guang­zhou), Shang­hai, Han­kou (now Wu­han), Bei­jing and Tient­sin (now Tian­jin), China; Seoul, Ko­rea; and Kobe, Ky­oto, Yo­ko­ha­ma and To­kyo, Ja­pan.

In 1918, Chap­man re­tired to Eng­land, where he spent the rest of his life. He was in­duct­ed in­to the Gos­pel Mu­sic Hall of Fame in 1991.

