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Ira Lee Winterrowd



Born: Sep­tem­ber 14, 1884, Gar­rett, Tex­as.

Died: May 9, 1959, Tuc­son, Ari­zo­na.

Buried: South Lawn Ce­me­te­ry, Tuc­son, Ari­zo­na.



Ira was the son of L. H. and Rosa Win­ter­rowd, and hus­band of Ka­ther­ine G. Ger­ma­ny.

He gra­du­ate­d from Da­vid Lips­comb Col­lege (1908), Po­ly­tech­nic Col­lege (1913), the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ok­la­ho­ma (mas­ter’s de­gree, 1921), and re­ceived an hon­or­ary de­gree from South­ern Me­tho­dist Uni­ver­si­ty.

He was a song lead­er, Gos­pel preach­er and edu­cat­or. He led sing­ing for ma­ny ev­an­gel­ists in Tex­as be­fore he start­ed preach­ing.

He preached in Ok­la­ho­ma, Tex­as, Ar­kan­sas, Ten­nes­see, Ari­zo­na and Ca­li­for­nia. He was pre­si­dent of West­ern Ok­la­ho­ma Chris­tian Col­lege for four years, and taught at David Lips­comb Col­lege and Lock­ney Chris­tian Col­lege.

He was in­vit­ed to teach at Abi­lene Chris­tian Col­lege, Hard­ing Col­lege and Freed-Har­de­man Col­lege, but de­clined all three of­fers to con­tin­ue preach­ing.

He be­longed to Po­ets of Am­eri­ca, and was a Greek and La­tin schol­ar.

