Scripture Verse

Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold…but with the precious blood of Christ. 1 Peter 1:18–19


Austin Taylor

Words: Aus­tin Tay­lor, 1910.

Music: Ira L. Win­ter­rowd (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira L. Winterrowd (1884–1959)


This world has its trea­sures of sil­ver and gold,
Its pearls and its dia­monds, its wealth is un­told;
But Je­sus, who died up­on Cal­va­ry’s tree,
Is more than all this world to me (to me).


He’s more than all to me;
He’s more than all to me;
He’s more than all this world to me,
He’s more than all to me.

This world with its show of al­lure­ments of wrong,
May try to en­tice me and take me along;
But cling­ing to Je­sus, its fol­ly I see—
He’s more than all this world to me (to me).


He com­forts and cheers me in tri­als of life;
His arm is around me when ev­il is rife;
A friend and a lov­ing com­pan­ion is He—
He’s more than all this world to me (to me).
