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George A. Young

Early 20th Century


Young was an ob­scure 19th Cen­tu­ry preach­er and car­pen­ter who spent a life­time serv­ing in small rur­al com­mun­it­ies. Oft­en his fi­nan­cial sup­port was small, and it was hard on his fa­mi­ly. But through all the ups and downs his faith­ful wife nev­er wa­vered in her loy­al­ty to God and to her hus­band.

After a long strug­gle, the fa­mi­ly was able to move in­to their own small home (which George built him­self). But then, on an oc­ca­sion when George was away preach­ing, some lo­cal thugs—who didn’t like his Gos­pel preach­ing—set fire to the house, and it was to­tal­ly des­troyed.

It was out of that ex­pe­ri­ence that Young re­af­firmed his faith in God by writ­ing God Leads Us Along.


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