Scripture Verse

He calls His own sheep by name, and He leads them out. John 10:3


Words & Mu­sic: George A. Young, 1903 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Young (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Around 1942, Hal­dor Lil­le­nas de­cid­ed to track down George Young’s wi­dow and find out more. He got an ad­dress in a small town and, driving there, he stopped at a gas sta­tion to ask for di­rect­ions.

When the attendant saw the ad­dress, he said, Why sir, that’s the Coun­ty Poor House, up the road about three miles. And mis­ter, when I say poor house, I real­ly mean poor house!

Not know­ing what to ex­pect, Lil­le­nas made his way there. He found Mrs. Young, a ti­ny, el­der­ly wo­man, in sur­round­ings that were far from con­ge­ni­al.

However, she ra­di­at­ed the joy of the Lord, and spoke of how He’d guid­ed her and her hus­band over ma­ny years.

Then, she ex­claimed, Dr. Lil­le­nas, God led me here! I’m so glad He did, for you know, about ev­ery month some­one comes in­to this place to spend the rest of their days…

So ma­ny of them don’t know my Je­sus. I’m having the time of my life in­tro­duc­ing them to Jesus! Dr. Lil­le­nas, isn’t it won­derful how God leads!


In sha­dy, green pas­tures,
So rich and so sweet,
God leads His dear child­ren along;
Where the wa­ter’s cool flow
Bathes the wea­ry one’s feet,
God leads His dear child­ren along.


Some through the wa­ters,
Some through the flood,
Some through the fire,
But all through the blood;
Some through great sor­row,
But God gives a song,
In the night sea­son
And all the day long.

Sometimes on the mount
Where the sun shines so bright,
God leads His dear child­ren along;
Sometimes in the val­ley,
In dark­est of night,
God leads His dear child­ren along.


Though sor­rows be­fall us
And ev­ils op­pose,
God leads His dear child­ren along;
Through grace we can conq­uer,
Defeat all our foes,
God leads His dear child­ren along.


Away from the mire,
And away from the clay,
God leads His dear child­ren along;
Away up in glo­ry, eter­ni­ty’s day,
God leads His dear child­ren along.
