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Scripture Verse

Come near to God, and He will come near to you. James 4:8


Johann Scheffler

Words: A. Ka­the­rine Han­key, 1888. Writ­ten for the Sun­day School of St. Pe­ter’s, Ea­ton Square, Lon­don, and print­ed on a card with mu­sic by the au­thor.

Music: Keine Schön­heit hat die Welt in See­len­lust, by Jo­hann Scheff­ler, 1657 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Han­key, would you send us an e-mail?

Katherine Hankey


Advent tells us, Christ is near:
Christmas tells us Christ is here!
In Epi­pha­ny we trace
All the glo­ry of His grace.

Those three Sun­days be­fore Lent
Will pre­pare us to repent;
That in Lent we may be­gin
Earnestly to mourn for sin.

Holy Week and East­er, then,
Tell who died and rose again;
O that hap­py East­er day!
Christ is ris­en in­deed, we say.

Yes, and Christ as­cend­ed, too,
To pre­pare a place for you;
So we give Him spe­cial praise,
After those great for­ty days.

Then, He sent the Ho­ly Ghost,
On the day of Pen­te­cost,
With us ev­er to abide:
Well may we keep Whit­sun­tide!

Last of all, we hum­bly sing
Glory to our God and king,
Glory to the One in three,
On the Feast of Tri­ni­ty.