Scripture Verse

People are destined to die once and then face judgment. Hebrews 9:27


Words: Eu­gene M. Bart­lett, Sr., 1928. Ap­peared in Fa­vo­rite Songs and Hymns, com­piled by Ho­mer F. Mor­ris et al. (Dal­las, Tex­as; Pang­burn, Ar­kan­sas & Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see: Stamps-Bax­ter Mu­sic and Prin­ting, 1939), num­ber 99.

Music: Bre­mer­ton Eu­gene M. Bart­lett, Sr., 1928 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Bart­lett,

Eugene Bartlett (1895–1941)


This life will end some fu­ture day,
Another life will then be­gin;
Are you pre­pared for that ev­ent,
Just af­ter death—what then?


Just af­ter death—O! an­swer me,
Where will you spend eter­ni­ty?
When time on earth shall cease to be,
Just af­ter death—what then?

The saved will have eter­nal life,
And they will safe­ly en­ter in.
To share the glor­ies of the Lord,
Just af­ter death—what then?


The lost will go in­to des­pair,
Their tor­ment there will then be­gin;
They’ll cry for mer­cy from the Lord,
Just af­ter death—what then?
