Scripture Verse

I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine. Song of Solomon 6:3


Words: Jo­na­than B. At­chin­son, in Tri­um­phant Songs No. 2, ed­it­ed by Ed­win Ex­cell (Chi­cago, Il­lino­is: Ed­win O. Ex­cell, 1889), num­ber 14, alt. De­di­cat­ed to the Dea­con­ess­es of Am­eri­ca.

Music: Es­con­di­do Ed­win O. Ex­cell, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of At­chin­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Edwin O. Excell (1851–1921)


All, yes all, I give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
All my heart I give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
Evermore to be His dwell­ing,
Evermore His prai­ses swell­ing,
Evermore His good­ness tell­ing,
It be­longs to Him.

All, yes all, I give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
All my voice I give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
Pleading for the young and hoa­ry,
Telling of His pow­er and glo­ry,
Singing o’er and o’er the sto­ry,
It be­longs to Him.

All, yes all, I give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
All my love I to give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
Loving Him for love un­ceas­ing,
For His mer­cy e’er in­creas­ing,
For His watch­care ne­ver ceas­ing,
It be­longs to Him.

All, yes all, I give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
All my life I give to Je­sus,
It be­longs to Him;
Hour by hour I’ll live for Je­sus,
Day by day I’ll work for Je­sus,
Evermore I’ll hon­or Je­sus,
All be­longs to Him.