Scripture Verse

Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Psalm 29:1


Susan H. Peterson (1950–2004)

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1999 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Ma­ri­on Ar­thur H. Mes­si­ter, 1883 (🔊 pdf nwc). First pub­lished in the Hym­nal with Mu­sic as Used in Tri­ni­ty Church (New York: 1893).

Arthur H. Messiter (1834–1916)


Ascribe to the Lord our God,
Ascribe to Him glo­ry, might.
Ascribe to the Lord the glo­ry due His name
And wor­ship Him aright.
Come wor­ship in the splen­dor of ho­li­ness.

The voice of the Lord is heard;
The Lord thun­ders o’er the sea.
The voice of the Lord is pow­er­ful and strong;
God speaks with ma­jes­ty.
We hear Your voice and wor­ship in ho­li­ness.

God’s voice breaks the ce­dars tall;
He strips all the fo­rests bare.
The mount­ains He shakes; they skip just like a calf.
His glo­ry all de­clare.
We hear Your voice and wor­ship in ho­li­ness.

The voice of the Lord does strike
With flash­es of light­ning bright.
The voice of the Lord does shake the des­ert sands;
The deer give birth in fright.
We hear Your voice and wor­ship in ho­li­ness.

The Lord o’er the flood did reign;
As King, He’s for­e’er en­throned.
The Lord gives His people strength for ev­ery day;
With peace, they’re blessed and crowned.
You’ve blessed us, Lord; we wor­ship in ho­li­ness.