Scripture Verse

They…secured the tomb by sealing the stone and posting the guard. Matthew 27:66


Henry T. Smart (1813–1879)

Words: Ni­cho­las le Tour­neaux, in the re­vised Pa­ris Bre­vi­ary, 1736 (Ades­te, Coe­li­tum cho­ri). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Is­aac Will­iams, Hymns Trans­lat­ed from the Pa­ris Bre­vi­ary (Lon­don: J. G. F. & J. Riv­ing­ton, 1839), page 128.

Music: Re­gent Square Hen­ry T. Smart, in Psalms and Hymns for Di­vine Wor­ship (Lon­don: 1867) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Nicolas le Tourneaux (1640–1686)


Angels come on joy­ous pin­ion,
Down the Heav’n’s me­lo­di­ous stair;
Triumphing o’er death’s do­min­ion,
Up to this our low­er air.
Christ has ris­en! Christ has ris­en!
And hath burst the se­pul­cher.

All in vain, the post­ed sta­tion
Of the arm­èd sol­die­ry,
All in vain, the faith­less na­tion
Set the seal and watch­es nigh;
Ye need not fear, ye need not fear,
None can reach where He doth lie!

He Him­self, from sleep awak­ing,
Who spon­ta­ne­ous bore the gloom,
Through the seals, and with­out break­ing,
Hath come forth and left the tomb;
Death could not hold, death could not hold
Him born of a vir­gin’s womb.

Lord, with Thee in dai­ly dy­ing
May we die, and with Thee rise;
And on earth, our­selves de­ny­ing,
Lift our hearts un­to the skies,
To sing our God, to sing our God,
Three in One, sole Good and Wise.