Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
Words: John W. Wayland, in Life Songs, edited by Samuel F. Coffman & John Brunk (Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Mennonite Publishing House, 1916), number 215, alt.
Music: John D. Brunk (🔊
Fear not, fear not, O ye shepherds,
Rather give ye thanks and sing,
For to you and to all people
Tidings of great joy I bring.
Glory, glory in the highest!
Unto God let praise increase!
Glory, glory in the highest!
Unto men good-will and peace!
For in yonder town of David—
Seek ye there with one accord—
There is born to you a Savior
Who is even Christ the Lord.
This the sign by which to know Him,
Seek ye, then, be not afraid—
Ye shall find a babe in Bethl’em,
In a lowly manger laid.