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Scripture Verse

Why seek ye the living among the dead? Luke 24:5


Words: Ro­bert L. Flet­cher, 1890.

Music: Saar­brück­en Ro­bert L. Flet­cher, 1890 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Flet­cher (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Angels tell the joy­ful sto­ry
Of the re­sur­rect­ion day;
They alone be­held the glo­ry
When the bars of death gave way;
Hear them say­ing, He is ris­en;
Seek Him not among the dead.

They be­held the emp­ty pri­son,
Death in chains was cap­tive led.
Hear them say­ing, He is ris­en;
Seek Him not among the dead.

They be­held the emp­ty pri­son,
Death in chains was cap­tive led.

Sing His prais­es, O ye mor­tals,
Strew the earth with ver­nal flow­ers;
Jesus pass­es through death’s por­tals,
Rises o’er its gloomy pow­ers;
Angel guards the way at­tend­ing,
Lo, He goes to dwell on high;
Seraphs there, be­fore Him bend­ing,
Chant His prais­es in the sky.
Angel guards the way at­tend­ing,
Lo, He goes to dwell on high;
Seraphs there, before Him bend­ing,
Chant His prais­es in the sky.

Gracious Sav­ior, live for­ev­er,
Victor o’er the prince of night;
And from Thee no pow­er can sev­er
What is Thine by blood-bought right;
Thine the king­dom, Thine the glo­ry,
Fairest of the heav­en­ly train;
Ours the joy to wait be­fore Thee,
Till we rise with Thee to reign.
Thine the king­dom, Thine the glo­ry,
Fairest of the heav­en­ly train;
Ours the joy to wait be­fore Thee,
Till we rise with Thee to reign.