Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Luke 24:5
Words: Robert L. Fletcher, 1890.
Music: Saarbrücken Robert L. Fletcher, 1890 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Fletcher (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Angels tell the joyful story
Of the resurrection day;
They alone beheld the glory
When the bars of death gave way;
Hear them saying, He is risen;
Seek Him not among the dead.
They beheld the empty prison,
Death in chains was captive led.
Hear them saying, He is risen;
Seek Him not among the dead.
They beheld the empty prison,
Death in chains was captive led.
Sing His praises, O ye mortals,
Strew the earth with vernal flowers;
Jesus passes through death’s portals,
Rises o’er its gloomy powers;
Angel guards the way attending,
Lo, He goes to dwell on high;
Seraphs there, before Him bending,
Chant His praises in the sky.
Angel guards the way attending,
Lo, He goes to dwell on high;
Seraphs there, before Him bending,
Chant His praises in the sky.
Gracious Savior, live forever,
Victor o’er the prince of night;
And from Thee no power can sever
What is Thine by blood-bought right;
Thine the kingdom, Thine the glory,
Fairest of the heavenly train;
Ours the joy to wait before Thee,
Till we rise with Thee to reign.
Thine the kingdom, Thine the glory,
Fairest of the heavenly train;
Ours the joy to wait before Thee,
Till we rise with Thee to reign.