Scripture Verse

Every one…when he looks…shall live. Numbers 21:8


Words & Mu­sic: R. L. Wer­ry, in Bright Light, by So­lo­mon W. Straub (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: S. W. Straub, 1893) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Wer­ry’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Moses Pointing to the
Serpent of Brass, Hurlbut’s
Story of the Bible
, 1902

There’s a voice I hear, and it calls me near
To the Sav­ior’s bleed­ing side;
And it says to me,
You may now be free,
If you plunge be­neath the crim­son tide.


O, I’ll take an­oth­er look at the cross of Cal­va­ry,
For sure­ly He can cleanse by the pre­cious blood;
There is pu­ri­ty and pow­er,
There is vic­to­ry ev­ery hour,
When we’re liv­ing ’neath the smile of God.

There is One above, look­ing down in love,
On a world deep sunk in sin;
And I hear Him call
To His child­ren all:
Who will go and bring the lost ones in?


There’s a hand stretched out un­to souls in doubt,
And it saves from sin and woe;
In His riv­en side
Is a fount­ain wide,
Where the vil­est of the vile may go.


O the bit­ter cries, and the long­ing eyes,
That we dai­ly hear and see;
For our love they plead,
And our help they need;
Shall we sav­iors of the lost ones be?


O the joy to stand on the gold­en strand,
Right be­fore the great white throne;
There to meet some soul
We have helped to the goal,
And to hear the Sav­ior say, Well done.
