Scripture Verse

Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and year. Genesis 1:14


Samuel Wesley (1810–1876)

Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, 1874. She wrote these words as a po­em for her New Year’s greet­ing cards. The hymn was sub­se­quent­ly in­clud­ed in her Un­der the Sur­face, 1874, and Life Chords, 1880.

Music: Au­re­lia Sa­mu­el S. Wes­ley, in A Se­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns, by Charles Kem­ble (Lon­don: John F. Shaw, 1864), num­ber 122 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Frances R. Havergal


Another year is dawn­ing, dear Fa­ther, let it be
In work­ing or in wait­ing, an­oth­er year with Thee.
Another year of pro­gress, an­oth­er year of praise,
Another year of prov­ing Thy pre­sence all the days.

Another year of mer­cies, of faith­ful­ness and grace,
Another year of glad­ness in the shin­ing of Thy face;
Another year of lean­ing up­on Thy lov­ing breast;
Another year of trust­ing, of qui­et, hap­py rest.

Another year of ser­vice, of wit­ness for Thy love,
Another year of train­ing for ho­li­er work above.
Another year is dawn­ing, dear Fa­ther, let it be
On earth, or else in Hea­ven, an­oth­er year for Thee.