Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19
Words: James Holme, Hymns and SacÂred PoÂetÂry (LonÂdon & EdÂinÂburgh, Scotland: J. BryÂdone and Sons; RichÂmond: John Bell, 1861), pagÂes 107–08, alt.
Music: AsÂsaÂteague RigÂdon M. McÂInÂtosh, 1876 (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of Holme (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
All praise be to God! O’er the bilÂlows of ocean,
Thro’ isles of the south and the north,
The misÂsions have sped with triÂumÂphant deÂvoÂtion,
To comÂpass the bounds of the earth.
Sweet powÂer that thus to the heaÂthen unÂveilÂeth
The need and the triÂumph of prayÂer;
How coÂveÂnant merÂcy in JeÂsus preÂvailÂeth
O’er igÂnorÂance, guilt and desÂpair.
On, on, ye swift mesÂsenÂgers, herÂalds of Jesus,
O’er mountÂain, o’er deÂsert, and wave!
Proclaim thro’ the naÂtions His powÂer to reÂlease us
From terÂrors of death and desÂpair.
On, on, with the arm of His rightÂeousÂness o’er you,
The strongÂholds of sin to deÂstroy!
On, on, with the spirÂit of gloÂry beÂfore you,
To give you a harÂvest of joy.
This omÂitÂted seÂcond verse can be used with tunes of meÂter:
The Sun of salÂvaÂtion in glory has risÂen,
He shines to the far distÂant pole;
His beams have gone forth to the heaÂthen’s dark priÂson
And lightÂed the canÂniÂbal’s soul.