The harvest truly is plenteous, but the workers are few.
Matthew 9:37
Words: Ella A. Edmiaston (1882–1955).
Music: Edmiaston Walter E. Edmiaston (1877–1982) (🔊
If you know when this song was written, or where to get good photos of the Edmiastons (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Are you working for the Master,
Are you toiling day by day?
Are you sowing seeds of kindness,
For the reapers on the way?
Hear you not the Master calling,
For glad toilers brave and true?
Will you enter now the harvest,
For the call is unto you?
There’s a work for all, my brother,
Sheaves are falling by the way,
Go you forth into the harvest,
Enter now, without delay.