Scripture Verse

The gift of Christ. Ephesians 4:7


John H. Tenney (1840–1918)

Words: Ed­en R. Lat­ta, in the Wreath of Praise, ed­it­ed by Asa Hull (New York: Da­ni­el W. Knowles, 1879), page 150.

Music: John H. Ten­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

Eden R. Latta (1839–1915)


Gather around the Christ­mas tree!
Gifts for the ma­ny its branch­es hold;
Gather around the Christ­mas tree!
Come with re­joic­ing, both young and old;
Welcome the glad­some Christ­mas time!
Dear to our hearts this hap­py scene!
Come, for these gifts of love are thine,
Loading the branch­es so fresh and green.


Gather, ga­ther,
Gather around the Christ­mas tree.
Gather, ga­ther,
Gather around the Christ­mas tree.

Gather around the Christ­mas tree!
Come with joy beam­ing from eyes so bright!
Gather around the Christ­mas tree!
Merrily sing­ing with pure de­light;
Never for­get the to­kens fair,
Parents and teach­ers here be­stow;
Never for­get the ten­der care,
Watching and cher­ish­ing you be­low.


Gather around the Christ­mas tree!
Here we have pre­sents for great and small;
Gather around the Christ­mas tree!
Thanking the Lord who hath giv­en all;
Think of the Sav­ior cru­ci­fied,
Sent as the Fa­ther’s gift to men;
Flee to the blest Re­deem­er’s side,
Never to wan­der from Him again.
