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Scripture Verse

He’s calling you! Mark 10:49


Words: W. S. Brown, 1907.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 ).

If you know Brown’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


A call for loy­al sol­diers
Comes to one and all;
Soldiers for the con­flict,
Will you heed the call?
Will you an­swer quick­ly,
With a rea­dy cheer,
Will you be en­list­ed
As a vo­lun­teer?


A vo­lun­teer for Je­sus,
A sol­dier true!
Others have en­list­ed,
Why not you?
Jesus is the Cap­tain,
We will nev­er fear,
Will you be en­list­ed
As a vo­lun­teer?

Yes, Je­sus calls for sol­diers
Who are filled with pow’r,
Soldiers who will serve Him
Ev’ry day and hour;
He will not for­sake you,
He is ev­er near;
Will you be en­list­ed
As a vo­lun­teer?


He calls you, for He loves you
With a heart most kind,
He whose heart was brok­en,
Broken for man­kind;
Now, just now, He calls you,
Calls in ac­cents clear,
Will you be en­list­ed
As a vo­lunteer?


And when the war is ov­er,
And the vic­t’ry won,
When the true and faith­ful
Gather one by one,
He will crown with glo­ry
All who there ap­pear;
Will you be en­list­ed
As a vo­lun­teer?
