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Scripture Verse

Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world. 2 Timothy 4:10


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Times of Trou­ble and Per­se­cu­tion (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1744), pag­es 37–38.

Music: Ac­cra James Mc­Gra­na­han, 1904 🔊 ).

James McGranahan



And shall we now turn back,
To Sa­tan’s con­quest yield,
The ho­ly fel­low­ship for­sake,
And quit the well-fought field?
No more with ac­cord sweet
Our Sav­ior’s love adore,
And see each oth­er’s face, and meet
In Je­sus’ name no more!

We who have count­ed loss
For Christ our great­est gain,
Shall we re­fuse the crown and cross,
And suf­fer all in vain?
Caught in the tempt­er’s snare,
Shall we like De­mas stop,
Th’assembling of our­selves for­bear,
And give our breth­ren up?

No, nev­er will we part,
Or place to Sa­tan give,
But cleave to God with stead­fast heart,
And to each oth­er cleave.
Strengthened by His com­mand,
We for the faith con­tend,
In Je­sus’ name to­ge­ther stand,
And suf­fer to the end.

In vain the sub­tle foe
Allures with prof­fered ease,
We now his false de­vic­es know,
And scorn his hell­ish peace:
Thy faith­ful ser­vants, Lord,
We nev­er will re­sign,
Or buy the world’s good will and word
By for­feit­ure of Thine.

No, in Thy strength we say
To sin­ners and their god,
Ye can­not tear our shield away,
Who trust in Je­sus’ blood,
Who to each oth­er cleave,
Your ma­lice we de­fy;
We will in Christ to­ge­ther live,
We will to­ge­ther die.