Scripture Verse

The Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said unto him, Before the cock crow, Thou shalt deny me thrice. Luke 22:61


Peter’s Denial of Christ
Ferdinand von Harrach (1832–1915)

Words: Hall­grí­mur Pé­turs­son (1614–1674) (Sæ­lir Eru Trúa­ðir). Trans­lat­ed from Ice­lan­dic to Eng­lish by Charles V. Pilcher (1879–1961).

Music: Sæ­lir Bo­he­mi­an, 15th Cen­tu­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles V. Pilcher (1879–1961)


And then the Sav­ior turned,
On Pe­ter gaz­ing,
A look di­vine, and yearned
With love amaz­ing.

Swiftly to Pe­ter’s face
The shame came leap­ing;
He had de­nied such grace
And went forth weep­ing.

Lord Je­sus, look on me,
Thy kind face turn­ing;
My soul with ago­ny
Of sin is burn­ing.

The way is long, I find
My weak steps fall­ing:
O turn, to my dark mind
Thy grace re­call­ing.

Oft, oft with con­trite eyes
I gaze to Hea­ven;
Then, at Thy look arise
In tears, for­giv­en.