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Scripture Verse

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2:12


Laura E. Richards (1850–1943)

Words: Lau­ra E. Ri­chards, in The Pri­ma­ry Clus­ter, ed­it­ed by Lu­cy Wheel­ock (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Hen­ry D. Noyes, 1890).

Music: Com­pos­er un­known (🔊 ).

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The lit­tle flow­ers came thro’ the ground,
At East­er time, at East­er time;
They raised their heads and looked around,
At hap­py East­er time.
And ev­ery lit­tle bud did say,
Good people, bless this ho­ly day,
For Christ is ris­en, the an­gels say,
At hap­py East­er time!

The pure, white li­ly raised its cup,
At East­er time, at East­er time;
The cro­cus to the sky looked up,
At hap­py East­er time.
We hear the song of Heav’n, they say,
Its glo­ry shines on us to­day,
Oh may it shine on us al­way,
At hap­py East­er time!

’Twas long and long and long ago,
That East­er time, that East­er time;
And still the pure, white lil­ies blow,
At hap­py East­er time.
And still each lit­tle flow­er doth say,
Good Chris­tians, bless this ho­ly day,
For Christ is ris­en, the an­gels say,
At hap­py East­er time!
