There was…a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Luke 2:13–14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Words & Music: Francis Stanfield, St. Patrick’s Hymn Book 1862 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Stanfield (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
At hour of silent midnight,
O mystery of love,
Earth’s longed and sighed for Savior
Descended from above;
Awake, awake, creation!
Arise, for Light has come;
Lo! earth is changed to Heaven,
For earth is Jesus’ home:
Lo! earth is changed to Heaven,
For earth is Jesus’ home.
Glory to God on high!
Praise to our king, our newborn king!
Peace unto men on earth,
Sweet infant Jesus, bring.
Amid the starlit heavens
There shines a glorious light,
And hosts of gleaming angels
Illume the lonely night;
They leave their thrones of glory
To seek their newborn king,
And, ranged in countless armies,
Glad hymns of triumph sing:
And, ranged in countless armies,
Glad hymns of triumph sing.
The praises of the angels
Were wafted from above,
And shepherds left their night watch
To seek the God of love;
They longed to gaze on Jesus,
To see the newborn Child—
They found the God of Heaven,
An infant meek and mild;
They found the God of Heaven,
An infant meek and mild.
And there the mother kneeling,
Bends fondly o’er her Son,
Watching with blessèd Joseph,
Her cherished Little One.
See Jesus in the manger,
How still and meek He lies;
Now smiles play on His features,
Now tears are in His eyes.
Now smiles play on His features,
Now tears are in His eyes.
Christians redeemed, oh, hasten
To Bethlehem’s sacred shrine
And come, draw nigh to Jesus
To kiss His feet divine.
Oh, bless our new-born Savior,
Our infant God adore;
Till love shall sweetly lead us
Home to th’eternal shore;
Till love shall sweetly lead us
Home to th’eternal shore.