Whoever does not bear his on cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
Luke 14:27
Words & Music: Roy J. Werner, in United Praise, edited by Edmund S. Lorenz & Ira B. Wilson (New York: Lorenz, 1908), number 21 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Werner (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
When the shadows gather,
And the way is dark and drear,
And the cross too heavy
For my feeble strength to bear,
How my heart rejoices
When the Master speaks to me,
Fear not, burdened soul,
For I will comfort thee.
Bear the cross, for surely I am with thee;
I will aid thee all the weary way;
No temptation e’er can overcome thee,
Grace I give sufficient,
Only watch and pray.
When I think of all He suffered
There on Calvary,
From the curse of sin
To set my burdened spirit free,
Then the clouds and darkness
From my soul are borne away,
And again, I hear my Savior softly say,
Oh, ’tis sweet to trust Him
And to know that He is near;
Day by day He walks with me,
My fainting heart to cheer;
In the Father’s kingdom
There’s a place prepared for me,
Where with Him in glory I shall ever be.