Scripture Verse

I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2


Harriet Jones (1823–1915)

Words: Har­ri­et E. Jones, in The Breth­ren Hym­nal (El­gin, Il­li­nois: Breth­ren Pub­lish­ing House, 1901), num­ber 724.

Music: George B. Hol­sing­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

George B. Holsinger


O glo­ri­ous home­land
Just ov­er the line,
Prepared for the wea­ry
By Christ the di­vine,
Who says if I’m faith­ful
That home shall be mine,
In the beau­ti­ful, gold­en some­time.


Beautiful gold­en some­time,
Sometime, some­time,
Thro’ Je­sus, my Sav­ior,
That home shall be mine,
In the beau­ti­ful, gold­en some­time.

When friends loved so dear­ly
Drift ov­er the tide,
And days seem so drea­ry
When missed from our side,
I think of re­un­ion
Where an­gels ab­ide,
In the beau­ti­ful, gold­en some­time.


When wea­ry with toil­ing,
In sor­row alone,
With bear­ing the bur­dens
To oth­ers un­known,
There comes to my mind the
Sweet rest near the throne,
In the beau­ti­ful, gold­en some­time.


When deep are the sha­dows
Encircling me here,
When beams of glad sun­light
So sel­dom ap­pear,
Hope whis­pers of home­land
And glo­ri­fied cheer,
In the beau­ti­ful, gold­en some­time.
