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Scripture Verse

I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne. Revelation 5:11


Words: Frank For­est, in Pal­mer’s Sab­bath School Songs, ed­it­ed by Ho­ra­tio Pal­mer (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ad­ams, Black­mer & Ly­on, 1868), page 27, alt.

Music: Ho­ra­tio L. Pal­mer (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of For­est (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Horatio Palmer


There is a home eter­nal,
Beautiful and bright,
Where sweet joys su­per­nal
Never are dimmed by night;
White robed an­gels are sing­ing
Ever around the bright throne;
When, O when shall I see thee,
Beautiful, beau­ti­ful home?

Flowers for­ev­er are spring­ing
In that home so fair;
Throngs of child­ren are sing­ing,
Praises to Je­sus there;
How they swell the glad an­thems
Ever around the bright throne;
When, O when shall I see thee,
Beautiful, beau­ti­ful home?

Soon I shall join that anthem,
Far be­yond the sky;
Jesus be­came my ran­som,
Why should I fear to die?
Soon my eyes will be­hold Him
Seated up­on the bright throne;
Then, O then shall I see thee,
Beautiful, beau­ti­ful home.