Scripture Verse

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9


Words: K. M. Top­ping, in Hap­py Voic­es (New York: Am­eri­can Tract So­ci­ety, 1865).

Music: Alon­zo J. Ab­bey, White Robes for the Sun­day-School (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chus­etts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1879), num­ber 85 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Top­ping’s full name, or here to get a good pho­to of her or Ab­bey (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


There’s a beau­ti­ful home for thee, bro­ther,
A home, a home for thee;
In that land of bliss here plea­sure is,
There, bro­ther’s a home for thee.
A beau­ti­ful home for thee, bro­ther,
A beau­ti­ful home for thee;
In that land of bliss here plea­sure is,
There, bro­ther’s a home for thee.

There’s a beau­ti­ful rest for thee, bro­ther,
A rest, a crown for thee;
In those man­sions above here all is love,
There, bro­ther’s a rest for thee.
A beau­ti­ful rest for thee, bro­ther,
A beau­ti­ful rest for thee;
In those man­sions above here all is love,
There, bro­ther’s a rest for thee.

There’s a beau­ti­ful crown for thee, bro­ther,
A crown, a crown for thee;
When the bat­tle is done, and the vic­to­ry on,
Our Sav­ior will give it to thee.
A beau­ti­ful crown for thee, bro­ther,
A beau­ti­ful crown for thee;
When the bat­tle is done, and the vic­to­ry on,
Our Sav­ior will give it to thee.

There’s a beau­ti­ful robe for thee, bro­ther,
A robe, a robe for thee;
A robe of white, so pure and bright,
A glo­ri­ous robe for thee.
A beau­ti­ful robe for thee, bro­ther,
A beau­ti­ful robe for thee;
A robe of white, so pure and bright,
A glo­ri­ous robe for thee.

Wilt seek that beau­ti­ful home, bro­ther,
That home, that home above;
In that land of light, here all is bright,
That land here all is love.
Wilt seek that beau­ti­ful home, bro­ther,
That beau­ti­ful home above;
In that land of light, here all is bright,
That land here all is love.