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Scripture Verse

The city as pure gold, like unto clear glass. Revelation 21:18


Words: John Scot­ford, in The Gold­en Rule, by So­lo­mon W. Straub (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1872), num­ber 6.

Music: Dick Ly­on (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Scot­ford or Ly­on (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


There’s a beau­ti­ful val­ley brought to view,
From the place here my feet have trod,
With a crys­tal riv­er pass­ing through,
That flows from the throne of God.
On ei­ther side of this love­ly vale
Is the tree of life so fair,
Whose leaves and fruits with the sun’s soft beams
Breathe health on the bal­my air.


O beau­ti­ful val­ley, love­ly val­ley,
As sung by the seer of old,
And its won­der­ful ci­ty! love­ly ci­ty,
With streets of bur­nished gold.

This beau­ti­ful val­ley, clad in green,
As the bards ere wont to tell,
Is the love­li­est spot that eye hath seen,
Where the meek and the low­ly dwell;
The storms of an­ger and pride that break
On the sides of the hills ab­ove,
When fierce winds war and mount­ains shake,
Come not to this vale of love.


This beau­ti­ful vale is the home of peace,
’Tis Ema­nu­el’s land most fair,
Where doubts, and fears, and dis­cords cease,
For the spir­it of love is there;
And vi­sions bright of a love­li­er clime
Cheer the humb­le dwell­ers there,
And an­gel voic­es whis­per, come,
O come to the vale most fair.


’Tis here we’ll dwell, in this love­ly vale,
While our forms are grow­ing old,
And when our mor­tal life shall fail,
And in death our hands we fold,
We’ll meek­ly tread the low­ly path,
That the great Re­deem­er trod,
And live with Him in our home above,
In that ci­ty of our God.
