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Scripture Verse

Beautiful in its loftiness, the joy of the whole earth, like the heights of Zaphon is Mount Zion, the city of the great King. Psalm 48:2


Words: George Gill, in Sup­ple­ment to the Ad­vent and Sab­bath Hymn Book, ed­it­ed by James white (Bat­tle Creek, Mi­chi­gan: 1858).

Music: Tho­mas J. Cook (🔊 ).


Beautiful Zi­on, built above,
Beautiful ci­ty that I love;
Beautiful gates of pear­ly white,
Beautiful tem­ple—God its light.
He who was slain on Cal­va­ry
Opens those pear­ly gates to me.


Zion, Zi­on, love­ly Zi­on,
Beautiful Zi­on, ci­ty of our God.
Zion, Zi­on, love­ly Zi­on,
Beautiful Zi­on, ci­ty of our God.

Beautiful Heav’n, here all is light,
Beautiful an­gels clothed in white;
Beautiful strains that nev­er tire,
Beautiful harps thro’ all the choir—
There shall I join the chor­us sweet,
Worshiping at the Sav­ior’s feet.


Beautiful crowns on ev­ery brow,
Beautiful palms the con­quer­ors show;
Beautiful robes the ran­somed ear,
Beautiful all who en­ter there—
Thither I press with ea­ger feet;
There shall my rest be long and sweet.


Beautiful throne for Christ our king,
Beautiful songs the an­gels sing;
Beautiful rest all wan­der­ings cease,
Beautiful home of per­fect peace—
There shall my eyes the Sav­ior see;
Haste to His heav’n­ly home with me.
