The Lord hath anointed me…to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning.
Isaiah 61:1–3
Words & Music: John G. Crabbe, 1889 (🔊
I sing the love of God, my Father,
Whose Spirit abides within,
Who changes all my grief to gladness,
And pardons me all my sin.
Though clouds may lower, dark and dreary,
Yet He has promised to be near;
He gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And beauty for ashes
He gives me joy in place of sorrow;
He gives me love that casts out fear;
He gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And beauty for ashes
I sing the love of God, my Savior,
Who suffered upon the tree,
That, in the secret of His presence,
My bondage might freedom be.
He comes to bind the brokenhearted
He comes the fainting soul to cheer;
He gives me oil of joy
for mourning,
And beauty for ashes
I sing the beauty of the Gospel
That scatters, not thorns, but flowers,
That bids me scatter smiles and sunbeams
Wherever are lonely hours.
The garment of His praise
it offers
For heaviness of spirit
It gives me sunshine for my shadow,
And beauty for ashes