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Scripture Verse

Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father who is in Heaven. Matthew 10:32


Harriet Jones (1823–1915)

Words: Har­ri­et E. Jones, in The Breth­ren Hym­nal (El­gin, Il­li­nois: Breth­ren Pub­lish­ing House, 1901), num­ber 700.

Music: George B. Hol­sing­er (🔊 ).

George B. Holsinger


As the days are go­ing by,
Do you raise God’s ban­ner high
Who has bought you with His own most pre­cious blood?
Do you on your Lord each day,
While up­on your pil­grim way,
Are you loy­al to the match­less Son of God?


O be faith­ful, O be true,
To the One who died for you;
By and by comes sweet re­ward,
That shall last while bliss­ful ag­es roll away.

When the foes of God arise,
Who His blest com­mands des­pise,
Do you bold­ly stand for Je­sus and the right?
Are you found with­in His field,
There His migh­ty sword to wield,
Clad in ar­mor that is ev­er shin­ing bright?


Be the crowd the more, the less,
Do you Je­sus’ name con­fess,
Do you show your co­lors, pil­grims, ev­ery­where?
When be­fore God’s host you stand,
In the won­drous glo­ry land,
Will your Lord con­fess you ’mid the an­gels there?
