Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
Ephesians 6:10
Words & Music: W. W. Clark, in Songs of Calvary, edited by John M. Whyte & David A. Whyte (Toronto, Canada: William Briggs, 1889) (🔊
). Note: Each verse repeats after the refrain.
Be strong in the Lord,
Tho’ surrounded by foes;
Be true to your king,
Tho’ all hell shall oppose;
He’ll conquer their legions,
He’ll vanquish their throng;
The Lord is our captain,
He leads us along.
Then awake! then awake!
Now arise! now arise!
Put on the whole armor,
Be strong in the Lord,
We fight not with flesh,
But with powers unseen;
We wrestle ’gainst darkness,
Without and within;
The conflict is raging,
Be valiant and strong,
For God is our tower,
Our shield, and our song.
With loins girt with truth,
We will march to the fight,
And righteousness wear
As a breastplate of light;
Salvation our helmet,
Bestowed by our Lord,
The sword of the Spirit,
His conquering Word.
Our leader has promised
A bright starry crown,
And beckons us onward
To fields of renown;
We hasten to follow
His banner unfurled,
And trusting in Jesus,
We’ll conquer the world.