Scripture Verse

Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10


Words & Mu­sic: W. W. Clark, in Songs of Cal­va­ry, ed­it­ed by John M. Whyte & Da­vid A. Whyte (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: Will­iam Briggs, 1889) (🔊 pdf nwc). Note: Each verse re­peats af­ter the re­frain.


Be strong in the Lord,
Tho’ sur­round­ed by foes;
Be true to your king,
Tho’ all hell shall op­pose;
He’ll con­quer their le­gions,
He’ll van­quish their throng;
The Lord is our cap­tain,
He leads us along.


Then awake! then awake!
Now arise! now arise!
Put on the whole ar­mor,
Be strong in the Lord,

We fight not with flesh,
But with pow­ers un­seen;
We wres­tle ’gainst dark­ness,
Without and with­in;
The con­flict is rag­ing,
Be val­iant and strong,
For God is our tow­er,
Our shield, and our song.


With loins girt with truth,
We will march to the fight,
And right­eous­ness wear
As a breast­plate of light;
Salvation our hel­met,
Bestowed by our Lord,
The sword of the Spir­it,
His con­quer­ing Word.


Our lead­er has pro­mised
A bright star­ry crown,
And beck­ons us on­ward
To fields of re­nown;
We hast­en to fol­low
His ban­ner un­furled,
And trust­ing in Je­sus,
We’ll con­quer the world.
