Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
Ephesians 6:10
Words: KaÂthaÂryn D. BaÂcon, in Glad News, edÂitÂed by W. N Cook (HudÂson, North CaÂroÂliÂna: TeachÂers’ MuÂsic PubÂlishÂing, 1916), numÂber 31.
Music: AnÂnie L. Crouch (🔊
). Note: MeÂloÂdy shifts beÂtween bass and treÂble clefs (see score for deÂtails).
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of Crouch (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), or a betÂter one of BaÂcon, would you send us an e-mail?
Put the arÂmor on,
That with firmÂness you may stand
In the evÂil day,
Ready at your Lord’s comÂmand;
Girded with the savÂing truth,
Counsel give to age and youth,
Christian solÂdier, oh!
Be strong in the Lord!
Be strong in the Lord,
Trusting Him as you fight;
Be strong in the Lord,
And the pow’r of His might!
Spotless be and pure,
With your breastÂplate rightÂeousÂness,
Looking to the Lord,
Who each efÂfort true will bless;
Spread the GosÂpel of His peace,
That will fetÂtered souls reÂlease,
Dauntless evÂer, oh!
Be strong in the Lord!
All along life’s way,
Take the mighÂty shield of faith,
With it quell the foe,
Proving loyÂal unÂto death,
Let your helÂmet always be
Tidings of salÂvaÂtion free,
Pressing onÂward, oh!
Be stroÂng in the Lord!
With the Word of God,
Follow Christ whatÂe’er beÂtide,
Knowing all the way
He will be your friend and guide,
Ever watchÂing unÂto pray’r,
Failing not to do and dare,
Trusting, toilÂing, oh!
Be strong in the Lord!