Scripture Verse

A city that has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Hebrews 11:10


Stephen C. Foster

Words: John W. Holt, in Hymns of Cal­va­ry, ed­it­ed by Will­iam T. Dale (Ma­con, Georg­ia: J. W. Burke, 1903).

Music: From Su­wa­nee Ri­ver, by Ste­phen C. Fos­ter, 1851 (🔊 pdf nwc).


There is a home of won­drous beau­ty,
Lovely and bright;
Built by our bless­èd, lov­ing Sav­ior,
Hid from our mor­tal sight.


Oh, my heart is fond­ly yearn­ing,
Yonder courts to roam
Gladly each mo­ment draws me near­er
To my eter­nal home.

This home is one of bliss im­mor­tal;
Happy we’ll be,
When walk­ing thro’ the streets of glo­ry,
From ev­ery care set free.


There in that land of song and beau­ty,
All Hea­ven rings
With prais­es to our blest Re­deem­er,
Savior, and King of kings.


Jesus is dai­ly call­ing loved ones
Home one by one;
We, too, shall cross the mys­tic ri­ver,
When all our work is done.
