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Scripture Verse

God shall wipe away all tears…and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, 1896.

Music: My Old Ken­tuc­ky Home Ste­phen C. Fos­ter, prob­ab­ly 1852; adapt­ed by Hen­ry L. Gil­mour (🔊 ).

Stephen C. Foster


Beyond the blue,
Far above the pass­ing gloom,
A coun­try im­mor­tal ap­pears,
Where ros­es blush
And the sweet­est li­lies bloom,
And our Fa­ther wipes away all tears.
In that fair land, full of beau­ty, joy and light,
Will ga­ther a num­ber­less throng,
Now press­ing on, thro’ the sha­dows of the night,
Till they hear the ov­er­com­er’s song.


Land of gold­en beau­ty! O land of cloud­less day!
Beyond the blue, here the sweet­est li­lies bloom,
And the an­gels whis­per, Come away.

The day will break
When the storms of life shall cease,
And summer shall smile ev­er­more;
We’ll find sweet rest
In that land of per­fect peace,
In the man­sions on the fade­less shore.
Our loved ones there for our com­ing fond­ly wait,
While joy­ful­ly serving the King;
Some day we’ll meet by the shin­ing pear­ly gate,
And to­ge­ther hap­py prais­es sing.


Beyond the blue
There’s a home for you and me,
For Je­sus will wel­come us there;
His cross our hope
And His pre­cious blood our plea,
And His right­eous­ness our robe so fair.
Then joy all joy, let us faint not by the way,
Our tri­als and sor­rows soon pass;
We’ll mount above, to the ev­er­last­ing day,
Praising Je­sus by the sea of glass.
