Scripture Verse

The Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. Isaiah 25:8


Asa B. Everett (1828–1875)

Words: Ma­ry B. Slade, in Good News, or Songs and Tunes for Sun­day Schools, Chris­tian As­so­cia­tions, and Spe­cial Meet­ings, by Rig­don M. Mc­In­tosh (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1876).

Music: Asa B. Ev­er­ett (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Slade or Ev­er­ett,

Mary B. Slade (1826–1882)


Beyond this land of part­ing, los­ing and leav­ing,
Far be­yond the loss­es, dark­en­ing this,
And far be­yond the tak­ing and the be­reav­ing
Lies the sum­mer land of bliss.


Land be­yond, so fair and bright!
Land be­yond, here is no night!
Summer land, God is its light.
O hap­py sum­mer land of bliss.

Beyond this land of toil­ing, sow­ing and reap­ing,
Far be­yond the sha­dows, dark­en­ing this,
And far be­yond the sigh­ing, moan­ing and weep­ing,
Lies the sum­mer land of bliss.


Beyond this land of sin­ning, faint­ing and fail­ing,
Far be­yond the doubt­ings, dark­en­ing this,
And far be­yond the griefs and dan­gers be­fall­ing,
Lies the sum­mer land of bliss.


Beyond this land of wait­ing, seek­ing and sigh­ing,
Far be­yond the sor­rows, dark­en­ing this,
And far be­yond the pain and sick­ness and dy­ing
Lies the sum­mer land of bliss.
