Scripture Verse

Behold, the bridegroom cometh. Matthew 25:6


Johann Walther (1496–1570)

Words: Jo­hann Wal­ther, 1552, cen­to (Der Bräut­gam wird bald ruf­en). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Mat­thi­as Loy in the Ohio Lu­ther­an Hym­nal, 1880.

Music: Freut euch, ihr lie­ben Le­on­hart Schrö­ter, 1587 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Matthias Loy (1828–1915)


The Bride­groom soon will call us,
Come, all ye wed­ding guests!
May not His voice ap­pall us,
While slum­ber binds our breasts;
May all our lamps be burn­ing,
And oil be found in store,
That we, with Him re­turn­ing,
May op­en find the door.

There shall we see de­light­ed
Our dear Re­deem­er’s face,
Who leads our souls be­night­ed
To glo­ry by His grace;
The pa­tri­archs shall meet us,
The pro­phets’ ho­ly band,
Apostles, mar­tyrs, greet us
In that ce­les­ti­al land.

They will not blush to own us
As bro­thers, sis­ters dear,
Love ev­er will be shown us
When we with them ap­pear;
We all shall come be­fore Him,
Who for us man be­came,
As Lord and God ad­ore Him,
And ev­er bless His name.

Our Fa­ther, rich in bless­ing,
Will give us crowns of gold
And, to His bo­som press­ing,
Impart a bliss un­told,
Will wel­come with em­brac­es
Of ne­ver end­ing love,
And deck us with His grac­es
In bliss­ful realms above.

In yon­der home shall ne­ver
Be si­lent mu­sic’s voice;
With hearts and lips for­ev­er
We shall in God re­joice;
The an­gels shall ad­ore Him,
All saints shall sing His praise,
And bring with joy be­fore Him
Their sweet­est heav’n­ly lays.

In man­sions fair and spa­cious
Will God the feast pre­pare,
And ev­er kind and gra­cious,
Bid us its rich­es share;
There bliss that knows no mea­sure
From springs of love shall flow,
And ne­ver chang­ing plea­sure
His boun­ty will be­stow.

Thus God shall from all ev­il
Forever make us free,
From sin, and from the de­vil,
From all ad­ver­si­ty,
From sick­ness, pain, and sad­ness,
From trou­bles, cares, and fears,
And grant us hea­ven­ly glad­ness
And wipe away our tears.