Scripture Verse

The God of peace…brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant. Hebrews 13:20


Neil Barham (1962–)

Words: Neil Bar­ham, 2005.

Music: Con­so­la­tor Sam­uel Webbe, Sr., Col­lect­ion of Mo­tetts or An­ti­phons (Lon­don: 1792) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samuel Webbe (1740–1816)


Blood of His co­ve­nant,
Sprinkles down up­on us,
Cleanses our fil­thi­ness; wash­es from sin!
Pour down up­on our hearts! Flood ov­er our res­cued souls!
Seal our great ac­quit­tal from all guilt with­in!

Gone are my stains of guilt;
Gone my deep pol­lu­tion;
Gone, gone to Cal­va­ry; lost in His grave!
There lies my wick­ed­ness, for­ev­er bur­ied!
Spotless, I ado­re Him, for all that He gave!

Closed is the great abyss!
Silent, my ac­cus­er!
Only Christ’s right­eous­ness speaks now for me.
I feel His nail-scarred hand, ten­der­ly wash­ing all!
Loved in the Be­loved, O how can this be?

Worship the mys­te­ry!
Fall in mute am­aze­ment!
Murmur as­ton­ished praise there at His feet!
Now breaks my heart of stone; now comes His Spir­it;
Now my heart of flesh is quick­ened to beat.