Scripture Verse

Lord, be merciful unto me…for I have sinned against Thee. Psalm 41:4


Magnus B. Landstad (1802–1880)

Words: Mag­nus B. Land­stad, 1861 (Jeg staar for Gud, som alt­ing ved). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gian to Eng­lish by Carl Dø­ving, 1909.

Music: Va­ter un­ser Geist­liche Lied­er (Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny: 1539). Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach, 1726 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann S. Bach (1685–1750)


Before Thee, God, who know­est all,
With grief and shame I pros­trate fall,
I see my sins against Thee, Lord,
The sins of thought, of deed, and word.
They press me sore; I cry to Thee:
O God, be mer­ci­ful to me!

O Lord, my God, to Thee I pray:
O cast me not in wrath away!
Let Thy good Spir­it ne’er de­part,
But let Him draw to Thee my heart
That tru­ly pe­ni­tent I be:
O God, be mer­ci­ful to me!

O Je­sus, let Thy pre­cious blood
Be to my soul a cleans­ing flood.
Turn not, O Lord, Thy guest away,
But grant that jus­ti­fied I may
Go to my house at peace with Thee:
O God, be mer­ci­ful to me!