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Scripture Verse

One is your master, even Christ, and all you are brethren. Matthew 23:8


Words: John A. War­ner, in Six­ty Sup­ple­ment­al Hymns (Uck­field, Eng­land: J. Brook­er & Sons, 1900).

Music: Ave Vir­go Vir­gi­num Jo­hann Roh, Ein Ge­sang­buch der Brü­der im Be­he­men und Mer­herrn (Nur­em­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1544) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of War­ner (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Johann Roh (1487–1547)


Brothers, join­ing hand to hand,
In one bond unit­ed,
Pressing on­ward to that land
Where all wrongs are right­ed:
Let your words and act­ions be
Worthy your vo­ca­tion;
Chosen of the Lord, and free,
Heirs of Christ’s sal­va­tion.

Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life,
Who hath gone be­fore you
Through the tur­moil and the strife,
Holds His ban­ner o’er you;
All who see the sac­red sign
Press to­wards Heav’ns por­tal,
Fired by hope that is di­vine,
Love that is im­mor­tal.

They who fol­low fear no foe,
Care not who as­sail them;
Where the Mas­ter leads, they go,
He will nev­er fail them;
Courage, bro­thers! we are one,
In the love that sought us;
Soon the war­fare shall be done,
Through the grace He brought us.