Scripture Verse

Do you love Me? John 21:15


Words: Sal­lie L. K. Best, in Select New and Old Hymns, edited by R. H. Me­re­dith & Or­lan­do Grin­nell (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: R. H. Me­re­dith, 1897).

Music: Jo­hor Bah­ru Or­lan­do S. Grin­nell, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Best or Grin­nell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I love Thee bet­ter than earth­ly store,
Blessèd Je­sus, my Sav­ior;
And day by day may I love Thee more,
Blessèd Je­sus, my Sav­ior.


Blessèd Jesus, I love Him more,
Yes, than all of my earth­ly store,
All my sins on the cross He bore,
Blessèd Jesus, my Sav­ior.

I love Thee more than earth­ly friend,
Blessèd Je­sus, my Sav­ior;
For peace and bless­ing which Thou dost send,
Blessèd Jesus, my Sav­ior.


I love Thee bet­ter than all the world,
Blessèd Je­sus, my Sav­ior;
Thy love’s a ban­ner of light un­furled,
Blessèd Je­sus, my Sav­ior.
