Scripture Verse

The ministers of Christ. 1 Corinthians 4:1


Words: Tho­mas E. Pow­ell, 1864.

Music: In­ter­ces­sion Ear­ly Mu­sic for Church Choirs, 1853 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Pow­ell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Bow down Thine ear, al­migh­ty Lord,
And hear Thy Church’s sup­pli­ant cry
For all who preach Thy sav­ing Word,
And wait up­on Thy min­is­try.

In mer­cy, Fa­ther, now give heed,
And pour Thy quick­en­ing Spir­it’s breath
On those whom Thou hast called to feed
Thy flock re­deemed by Je­sus’ death.

O Sav­ior, from Thy pierc­èd hand
Shed o’er them all Thy gifts di­vine;
That those who in Thy pre­sence stand
May do Thy will with love like Thine.

Blest Spir­it, in their hearts ab­ide,
And give them grace to watch and pray;
That, as they seek Thy flock to guide,
Themselves may keep the nar­row way.

O God, Thy strength and mer­cy send
To shield them in their strife with sin;
Grant them, en­dur­ing to the end,
The crown of life at last to win.