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Scripture Verse

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race. 2 Timothy 4:7


Words: Jo­seph Stam­mers, in the Cot­tage Ma­ga­zine, ed­it­ed by John Buck­worth, Vi­car of Dews­bu­ry, 1830, alt.

Music: For­ti­tude (Fil­by) Will­iam Fil­by, 1874 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Stam­mers or Fil­by (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?



Breast the wave, Chris­tian, when it is strong­est,
Watch for day, Chris­tian, when the night’s long­est;
Onward and up­ward still be thine en­dea­vor;
The rest that re­main­eth will be for­ev­er.

Fight the fight, Chris­tian, Je­sus is o’er thee;
Run the race, Chris­tian, Heav’n is be­fore thee;
He who hath pro­mised fal­ter­eth nev­er;
The love of eter­ni­ty flows on for­ev­er.

Lift thine eye, Chris­tian, just as it clos­eth;
Raise thy heart, Chris­tian, ere it re­pos­eth;
Thee from the love of Christ no­thing shall sev­er;
And when all thy work is done, praise Him for­ev­er.