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Scripture Verse

Brethren beloved of the Lord. 2 Thessalonians 2:13


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, 1740.

Music: Eign­brook. Ap­peared in The Hal­le­lu­jah, ed­it­ed by J. J. Waite & Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett (Lon­don: John Snow, 1849), num­ber 62 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Brethren in Christ, and well-bel­oved,
To Je­sus and His ser­vants dear,
Enter and show your­selves ap­proved;
Enter, and find that God is here.

Welcome from earth: lo, the right hand
Of fel­low­ship to you we give!
With op­en hearts and hands we stand,
And you in Je­su’s name re­ceive.

Say, are your hearts re­solved as ours?
Then let them burn with sac­red love;
Then let them taste the heav’n­ly pow­ers,
Partakers of the joys above.

Jesu, at­tend, Thys­elf re­veal!
Are we not met in Thy great name?
Thee in the midst we wait to feel,
We wait to catch the spread­ing flame.

Thou God that an­swer­est by fire,
The Spir­it of burn­ing now im­part;
And let the flames of pure de­sire
Rise from the al­tar of our heart.

Truly our fel­low­ship be­low
With Thee and with the Fa­ther is;
In Thee eter­nal life we know,
And Heav’n’s un­ut­ter­able bliss.

In part we on­ly know Thee here,
But wait Thy com­ing from ab­ove;
And we shall then be­hold Thee near,
And we shall all be lost in love.